
Leaetherstrip - Solitary Confinement

[industrial ebm - 1992]
Another genre defining album by the prolific Claus Larsen. Aggressive beats, militant dirges, and haunting orchestrations helped make this album an Industrial masterpiece.
1 Mortal Thoughts (5:21)
2 Strap Me Down (5:35)
3 I Am Your Conscience (4:42)
4 Nothing Seen - Nothing Done (4:51)
5 The Dance Of Deception (3:28)
6 Evil Speaks (3:50)
7 Adrenalin Rush (5:04)
8 Crash Flight 232/92 (4:54)
9 Croatia (6:20)
10 Red Meat Attraction (6:00)
11 Jantes Revenge (4:09)
12 Antius (Psycho Strip Edit) (6:24)

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